Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Weekend!

Boy, life sure has been crazy lately.
But crazy in a good way!!!
I am now down to my last 3 weeks of pregnancy. It does NOT feel real. At all.

I have had people asking me how I am feeling and if I am starting to get contractions and what not...
I feel about the same!
No contractions. No swelling ankles. Just a moving baby who likes to stretch and push on my bladder.

Every now and then my feet will start to hurt, but that's only after being on my feet for at least 2 hours without sitting down.
I am soooo dang lucky.

Oo, the stretch marks have finally made an appearance. That's no fun. They are slowly spreading along the bottom of my stomach.
But it comforts me to see them because that shows that my baby girl is growing! SHE NEEDS TO GAIN SOME STINKING WEIGHT!!

Anyways, my weekend was pretty awesome. My aunt and uncle came down from Wyoming and it just so happened that my aunts birthday was Saturday. So naturally we had a big family get together and celebrated.
There was tons of food and family and it was a dang good time.
I love my extended family.
It's as simple as that.
My stomach got tons of attention. Instead of getting hugs, people went straight to my stomach. It was rather funny.

Sunday, however, was kinda rough. I usually just go to sacrament meeting with my parents and then I come home. I do this because I just get really uncomfortable with all the stares and then I don't like explaining and talking about adoption with them.
I mean, I feel really good about my decision, but when I see how people react it makes me sad.
I know they just love me and want the best for and me but the sympathy just makes it hard on me and I cry like a baby.
And I hate crying.
I just don't want anyone feeling sad about this. I know it's for the best and I am happy.
I hate seeing anyone else sad! Do you know the feeling?

But basically that's what happened on Sunday at church and it was hard.
Later that night I just had this overwhelming feeling of loneliness and I felt like I was never going to find someone to care about me and that Brandon was the best I was ever going to get.
Now, I know this is not true. But those negative thoughts just would not leave my mind. It was really difficult.

Monday was pretty relaxing. I just slept most of the day and e-mailed with The Couple as usually.
That afternoon I went and saw Thor with them and then went to Rubio's for dinner after.
I love spending time with them! They are just so much fun to be with and it seems like we always have something to talk about. I am very blessed to have them in my life, and I know that my daughter is going to have such an amazing future with them and be so loved and happy.

The future excites me :)


  1. Sounds awesome! Sorry people at church are stupid. They need to be happy if you're happy. Wasn't Memorial day awesome?

  2. One of my biggest fears is gaining weight and stretch marks during pregnancy and then not be able to lose it once the baby comes! That's probably a weird fear, right?

    Three weeks away? That's crazy! Good luck and congrats :)

