Wednesday, November 30, 2011

So, I met with Brandon Today

Yeah...With Madden's Birth Father.
My ex.

So, as you may know, I haven’t seen or talked to Madden’s birth father since April. Today, we finally met up and talked about the adoption and what happened.

And it went really well.

We socialized and caught up on what was going on in our lives.
And talked about Madden and the adoption.
Only once did he bring up the “Well we could have done it” and “Why didn’t you just place her with me” stuff, but I stayed strong and told him why I chose adoption.

It was right for her. I didn’t want the nightmare that he went through with his son’s custody battle for her. Brandon and I weren’t going to work at that time.

It makes us both ache. But Brandon agrees that I did the right thing for her! Hearing him say that and that he’s proud of me makes my heart soar.

We looked through her pictures on my phone for a while, and just held hands. It was really hard. I could feel his heartache. I couldn’t look at him for a while…because he was tearing up. I just held him close and it was a really touching moment for the both of us.
He means a lot to me. I feel like the adoption has brought us closer together. We understand each others pain.

We will see what happens between us.
We are planning on him meeting Madden's Parents some time soon.
I’m excited and nervous. I know he is too.

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